‘Why I Hate My Uncle’ And Want To Send Him To Hell, The Strange Life of William Hitler: Adolf Hitler’s Nephew
When most people think of the name “Hitler,” it immediately conjures images of one of the darkest periods in human history. Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Nazi Germany, is universally recognized as the orchestrator of World War II and the Holocaust. However, few know about a peculiar and almost forgotten figure in history: William Patrick Hitler, Adolf’s estranged nephew, whose life unfolded in a bizarre and often ironic fashion.
William Patrick Hitler was born on March 12, 1911, in Liverpool, England, to Adolf Hitler’s half-brother, Alois Hitler Jr., and his Irish wife, Bridget Dowling. From an early age, William was caught between two very different worlds. On one hand, he grew up far from the influence of Nazi Germany, in a relatively peaceful and liberal part of the world. On the other hand, he bore the infamous Hitler surname, a name that would soon become synonymous with terror.
The relationship between William and Adolf Hitler was complicated and fraught with tension. Initially, William sought to take advantage of his uncle’s rise to power in Germany. In the early 1930s, he traveled to Germany, hoping to leverage his family connection to secure a comfortable job in the Nazi regime. William worked briefly in various positions, including at a bank and as a car salesman. However, his ambitions were thwarted by Adolf’s growing suspicions about his nephew’s motives. William’s attempts to gain favors were met with increasing disdain from his powerful uncle.
Blackmail and Flight to America
The relationship between the two reached its lowest point when William began threatening to reveal damaging stories about the Hitler family if his demands for better employment were not met. Allegedly, one of his threats involved exposing the rumor that Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandfather was Jewish, a claim that would have been particularly damaging to the Nazi leader’s racial ideology.
Adolf Hitler grew tired of William’s persistent demands and complaints and ultimately instructed him to leave Germany. Fearing for his life, William returned to England in 1939, just as war was about to engulf Europe.

As World War II escalated, William found himself in an increasingly precarious position. He was Adolf Hitler’s nephew, a fact that could easily have turned him into a target for British authorities. However, William saw an opportunity to escape his uncle’s shadow and attempt to redeem his own name.
In 1939, William embarked on a lecture tour in the United States, where he recounted his experiences living in Nazi Germany and the internal workings of the regime. While some saw him as a mere opportunist, trying to profit off his infamous surname, others sympathized with his plight. After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, William made the surprising decision to enlist in the U.S. Navy to fight against the very regime that his uncle led.
Joining the U.S. military wasn’t an easy process for William. Initially, he was met with skepticism from U.S. authorities who were wary of his background and possible Nazi sympathies. However, after President Franklin D. Roosevelt personally intervened, William was granted permission to serve in the U.S. Navy. He went on to serve honourably during the war, earning a Purple Heart for his actions.

William Hitler wrote to President Roosevelt, in which the Liverpudlian begged to be allowed to fight the Hun and send Adolf Hitler to hell.
March 3rd, 1942.
His Excellency Franklin D. Roosevelt.,
President of the United States of America.
The White House.,
Washington. D.C.
Dear Mr. President:
May I take the liberty of encroaching on your valuable time and that of your staff at the White House? Mindful of the critical days the nation is now passing through, I do so only because the prerogative of your high office alone can decide my difficult and singular situation.
Permit me to outline as briefly as possible the circumstances of my position, the solution of which I feel could so easily be achieved should you feel moved to give your kind intercession and decision.
I am the nephew and only descendant of the ill-famed Chancellor and Leader of Germany who today so despotically seeks to enslave the free and Christian peoples of the globe.
Under your masterful leadership men of all creeds and nationalities are waging desperate war to determine, in the last analysis, whether they shall finally serve and live an ethical society under God or become enslaved by a devilish and pagan regime.
Everybody in the world today must answer to himself which cause they will serve. To free people of deep religious feeling there can be but one answer and one choice, that will sustain them always and to the bitter end.
I am one of many, but I can render service to this great cause and I have a life to give that it may, with the help of all, triumph in the end.
All my relatives and friends soon will be marching for freedom and decency under the Stars and Stripes. For this reason, Mr. President, I am respectfully submitting this petition to you to enquire as to whether I may be allowed to join them in their struggle against tyranny and oppression?
At present this is denied me because when I fled the Reich in 1939 I was a British subject. I came to America with my Irish mother principally to rejoin my relatives here. At the same time I was offered a contract to write and lecture in the United States, the pressure of which did not allow me the time to apply for admission under the quota. I had therefore, to come as a visitor.
I have attempted to join the British forces, but my success as a lecturer made me probably one of the best attended political speakers, with police frequently having to control the crowds clamouring for admission in Boston, Chicago and other cities. This elicited from British officials the rather negative invitation to carry on.
The British are an insular people and while they are kind and courteous, it is my impression, rightly or wrongly, that they could not in the long run feel overly cordial or sympathetic towards an individual bearing the name I do. The great expense the English legal procedure demands in changing my name, is only a possible solution not within my financial means. At the same time I have not been successful in determining whether the Canadian Army would facilitate my entrance into the armed forces. As things are at the present and lacking any official guidance, I find that to attempt to enlist as a nephew of Hitler is something that requires a strange sort of courage that I am unable to muster, bereft as I am of any classification or official support from any quarter.
As to my integrity, Mr. President, I can only say that it is a matter of record and it compares somewhat to the foresighted spirit with which you, by every ingenuity known to statecraft, wrested from the American Congress those weapons which are today the Nation’s great defence in this crisis. I can also reflect that in a time of great complacency and ignorance I tried to do those things which as a Christian I knew to be right. As a fugitive from the Gestapo I warned France through the press that Hitler would invade her that year. The people of England I warned by the same means that the so-called “solution” of Munich was a myth that would bring terrible consequences. On my arrival in America I at once informed the press that Hitler would loose his Frankenstein on civilization that year. Although nobody paid any attention to what I said, I continued to lecture and write in America. Now the time for writing and talking has passed and I am mindful only of the great debt my mother and I owe to the United States. More than anything else I would like to see active combat as soon as possible and thereby be accepted by my friends and comrades as one of them in this great struggle for liberty.
Your favourable decision on my appeal alone would ensure that continued benevolent spirit on the part of the American people, which today I feel so much a part of. I most respectfully assure you, Mr. President, that as in the past I would do my utmost in the future to be worthy of the great honour I am seeking through your kind aid, in the sure knowledge that my endeavors on behalf of the great principles of Democracy will at least bear favourable comparison to the activities of many individuals who for so long have been unworthy of the fine privilege of calling themselves Americans. May I therefore venture to hope, Mr. President, that in the turmoil of this vast conflict you will not be moved to reject my appeal for reasons which I am in no way responsible?
For me today there could be no greater honour, Mr. President, to have lived and to have been allowed to serve you, the deliverer of the American people from want, and no greater privelege then to have striven and had a small part in establishing the title you once will bear in posterity as the greatest Emancipator of suffering mankind in political history.
I would be most happy to give any additional information that might be required and I take the liberty of enclosing a circular containing details about myself.
Permit me, Mr. President, to express my heartfelt good wishes for your future health and happiness, coupled with the hope that you may soon lead all men who believe in decencey everywhere onward and upward to a glorious victory.
I am,
Very respectfully yours,
Patrick Hitler

A New Life in America
After the war, William changed his last name to “Stuart-Houston” in an effort to distance himself from his notorious relative. He settled into a quiet life in Patchogue, New York, on Long Island, where he married a German woman and had four sons. Remarkably, William remained relatively private after the war, rarely speaking about his relationship with Adolf Hitler or his experiences during the conflict.
William opened a medical laboratory, which he ran successfully for many years. Despite living a low-profile life, the shadow of his family name loomed large. He avoided most media attention, though he did give a few interviews, most notably in 1941 when he wrote an article titled “Why I Hate My Uncle” for Look magazine.
Look’s article is written by William and reveals what it was like to be Adolf Hitler’s nephew.
Here are some excerpts:
“Being very close to my father at the time, he (Adolf Hitler) autographed this picture for me. We had cakes and whipped cream, Hitler’s favourite dessert. I was struck by his intensity, his feminine gestures. There was dandruff on his coat.”
“When I visited Berlin in 1931, the family was in trouble. Geli Raubal, the daughter of Hitler’s and my father’s sister, had committed suicide. Everyone knew that Hitler and she had long been intimate and that she had been expecting a child – a fact that enraged Hitler. His revolver was found by her body.”

“I published some articles on my uncle when I returned to England and was forthwith summoned back to Berlin and taken with my father and aunt to Hitler’s hotel. He was furious. Pacing up and down, wild-eyed and tearful, he made me promise to retract my articles and threatened to kill himself if anything else were written on his private life.”
“This is Hitler’s new Berchtesgaden home which I first saw in 1936. I drove there with friends and was shown into the garden. Hitler was entertaining some very beautiful women at tea. When he saw us he strode up, slashing a whip as he walked and taking the tops off the flowers. He took that occasion to warn me to never again mention that I was his nephew. Then he returned to his guests still viciously cracking his whip.”

“I shall never forget the last time he sent for me. He was in a brutal temper when I arrived. Walking back and forth, brandishing his horsehide whip, he shouted insults at my head as if he were delivering a political oration.”
So what happened to William Hitler afterwards?
In 1940, a year after fleeing Nazi Germany and setting up home in New York, the writer of the following letter attempted to enlist with the U.S. Armed Forces; however, his application was denied for one incredible reason: his uncle was Adolf Hitler. He wasn’t deterred, and two years later, a few months after his uncle had declared war on the U.S., William Patrick Hitler (pictured above) tried again to register for military service by way of the fascinating letter below, sent directly to the U.S. President. It was quickly passed on to the FBI’s director, J. Edgar Hoover, who then investigated Hitler’s nephew and eventually cleared him for service.
William Patrick Hitler joined the U.S. Navy in 1944, and was discharged in 1947 after being injured in service. He passed away 40 years later, in New York.
