The Tragic Case of Marco Mariolini: The ‘Anorexic Hunter’ and a Preventable Tragedy

In Italy’s criminal history, few cases have rattled the public as much as that of Marco Mariolini—a man whose strange and deeply disturbing obsession led to the tragic death of his partner, Monica. Mariolini’s story is a haunting example of how a society can ignore the most explicit warnings of danger until it’s too late.
With an eerie self-awareness, Mariolini declared himself a “potential monster,” even pleading for someone to stop him “before I accidentally kill someone.” But his pleas went unheeded, and the worst-case scenario he himself predicted became a grim reality.
The Man Behind the Obsession: Mariolini and "Anorexophilia"
Marco Mariolini coined his own term, “anorexophilia,” to describe his obsessive attraction to women who were not just thin but skeletal. He wasn’t merely drawn to women who were already thin; he wanted to actively shape them into that state, pushing their bodies to extreme levels of malnutrition. Mariolini craved control over every aspect of his partner’s body, demanding visible bones, hollow cheeks, and a frail, unhealthy appearance.
His relationships reflected this unsettling obsession. Mariolini’s wife, Lucia, became the first to bear the full weight of his desire. He forced her into a near-starvation regimen, which he grandiosely called a “healthy diet.” But this “diet” was nothing more than a prolonged starvation cycle, with Lucia subsisting on only occasional cups of tea or small snacks. Her weight dropped to 33 kilograms—what Mariolini considered ideal. He would chastise and insult her, tearing down her self-esteem to ensure she would maintain the weight he found “perfect.” But when Lucia became pregnant and started to gain weight, Mariolini’s interest and control slipped, leading to the collapse of their relationship. For Mariolini, a partner was only desirable when she was on the edge of frailty.
Meeting Monica: From Attraction to Obsession
After Lucia, Mariolini’s fixation on finding another woman intensified. He quickly sought out another partner who could fit his disturbing standards. That’s when he met Monica, a 29-year-old student. In his mind, Monica would be the perfect subject to mould and control. He subjected her to the same restrictive diets and psychological manipulations, but with Monica, his methods grew even more severe.

Mariolini’s abuse was both calculated and sadistic. At times, he would punch Monica in the stomach to make her vomit if she ate anything he deemed excessive. He forbade her from eating what she craved, but he would take her to restaurants where he would eat in front of her, a twisted way of asserting his control. On one occasion, while they were dining out, a starving Monica sneaked into the restaurant kitchen and devoured a plate of gnocchi in desperation. When Mariolini discovered this, he slapped her in front of the restaurant staff, a public humiliation that underscored the severity of her situation. And it didn’t end there—back home, he made her sit naked on the cold floor as punishment, further stripping her of any dignity.
A Breaking Point
Months of continuous abuse drove Monica to the edge. One evening, in a moment of sheer desperation, she struck Mariolini with a hammer in an attempt to break free from his control. Though she caused him only minor injuries, her act was a cry for help, an assertion of self-preservation against the torment she had endured. Monica reported herself to the authorities, confessing the assault. She was subsequently placed under house arrest—a tragic irony, considering the extensive abuse she had suffered at the hands of Mariolini.
"The Anorexic Hunter": A Confession Hidden in Plain Sight
Following Monica’s act of rebellion, Mariolini seized the moment to tell his story to the world. He authored a book titled The Anorexic Hunter, detailing his disturbing obsession and the control he wielded over the women he claimed to love. In it, he openly described the psychological and physical torture he had inflicted, casting himself as both the predator and the narrator. The dedication in the book was directed at Monica, whom he addressed “with hate and with love,” a statement that encapsulated his twisted relationship with her.
Mariolini used the book as a platform to confess his intentions and, in some ways, plead for recognition of his compulsions. He explicitly described himself as a “potential serial killer,” a self-aware label that, instead of bringing scrutiny, paradoxically served to heighten his notoriety. The book sold well, but the warnings within its pages were not acted upon. To Mariolini, the book was both a confession and a publicity tool—an opportunity to capitalise on the very obsession that drove him.
The Final Tragedy: Monica’s Murder
The release of The Anorexic Hunter did not mark the end of Mariolini’s violent tendencies. About a year later, the worst fears became a reality. In a fit of rage, Mariolini attacked Monica with a knife, stabbing her 22 times and ending her life. It was the climax of a tragic series of events that could have been prevented. Mariolini’s chilling prophecy about his own potential for violence had come true, and the woman who had tried to escape his grasp paid the ultimate price.
Monica’s murder shocked Italy and led to widespread debates about the failures in the legal and mental health systems. Here was a man who had explicitly warned others of his intentions, who had even documented his disturbing behaviour in a published book, yet there had been no meaningful intervention. The system had failed to protect Monica, even when the threat had been so clear.
The Legacy of a Preventable Tragedy
Mariolini’s case highlights the critical need for a robust response when someone openly admits harmful intentions. The story is a tragic reminder of what can happen when early warning signs go ignored or are brushed aside. By the time Mariolini’s nature was fully recognised, it was too late for Monica, whose life had been irrevocably consumed by her relationship with a man obsessed with control.
Looking back, The Anorexic Hunter reads not just as a disturbing memoir but as an unsettling document of how society failed one woman and allowed her abuser to continue his cycle of torment unchecked. It raises questions about the responsibility of those who publish, read, and witness such warnings, challenging us to consider how such tragedies might be prevented in the future.
As of August 2021, Marco Mariolini, was released from prison after serving a reduced sentence due to considerations of inhumane detention conditions.
Following his release, Mariolini was placed in a psychiatric facility, reflecting ongoing concerns about his mental health and potential risk to society.
Specific details about his current whereabouts or status are not publicly available, likely due to privacy regulations and the sensitive nature of his case.