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The Ides of March and the Assassination of Julius Caesar

Ancient Roman scene with a man in a red robe being attacked by others in white togas, intense expressions, in a dimly lit hall.

March 15th—otherwise known as the Ides of March—has become synonymous with bad luck, treachery, and political upheaval. In ancient Rome, it was simply a date on the calendar, marking the midpoint of the month. But in 44 BCE, the day became one of the most infamous in history when Julius Caesar was assassinated by members of the Senate, altering the course of Rome forever.

A Warning Ignored

By early 44 BCE, Julius Caesar had become the most powerful man in Rome. A military general and statesman, he had defied the Roman Republic’s traditional structures, assuming dictatorial powers that alarmed the Senate. Although appointed “dictator for life” in February, his rule had long been a cause for concern among the elite, who saw him as a threat to the Republic’s survival.

Rumours of conspiracy swirled in Rome, and several warnings were issued to Caesar about his safety.

According to the Roman historian Suetonius (690–130 CE), the haruspex (seeress) Spurinna warned Caesar in mid-February 44, telling him that the next 30 days were to be fraught with peril, but the danger would end on the Ides of March. When they met on the Ides of March Caesar said "you are aware, surely, that the Ides of March have passed" and Spurinna responded, "surely you realise that they have not yet passed?"

CAESAR to SOOTHSAYER: The Ides of March are come.
SOOTHSAYER (softly): Ay, Caesar, but not gone.

—Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

What Were the Ides, Anyway?

The Roman calendar did not number days sequentially as we do today. Instead, they counted backwards from three fixed points within each month:

  • Kalends (the 1st day of the following month)

  • Nones (typically the 5th or 7th, depending on the month)

  • Ides (the 13th or 15th, depending on the month’s length)

The Ides of March, in particular, fell on the 15th and was originally determined by the full moon. It was a significant date, long before it became infamous for Caesar’s assassination, and was associated with festivals and religious observances.

Why Caesar Had to Die

Several plots against Caesar existed, with multiple factions conspiring for different reasons. According to the historian Suetonius, the Sibylline Oracle had prophesied that Parthia—Rome’s great eastern rival—could only be conquered by a Roman king. A consul, Marcus Aurelius Cotta, planned to propose that Caesar be declared rex (king) in mid-March, an idea that deeply unsettled the Senate. Rome had driven out its monarchy centuries before, and the Republic’s governing class was unwilling to see a return to royal rule.

Senators feared that Caesar would abolish the Senate entirely, becoming an outright tyrant. Two of the main conspirators, Brutus and Cassius, were high-ranking magistrates with no way to oppose the potential crowning of Caesar without significant repercussions. In their view, Caesar had to be eliminated to preserve the Republic.

Knife stabbed into a bottle of Kraft Classic Caesar dressing on a striped table. An orange bowl is in the background.

The Assassination

On the Ides of March, Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia, urged him not to attend the Senate meeting. She had experienced troubling dreams the night before, and several bad omens had been reported. Even Caesar’s doctors recommended he rest. Yet, Caesar ignored these warnings and proceeded to the Theatre of Pompey, where the Senate had convened.

As he entered, he was surrounded by the conspirators, who carried concealed daggers. They struck, stabbing him repeatedly. The exact number of wounds varies in historical accounts—Plutarch claims 23, while Suetonius states there were 35. The most famous moment of the attack, whether real or legendary, came when Caesar turned to see Brutus among his murderers and uttered the now-famous words, “Et tu, Brute?”—“You too, Brutus?” With that, he collapsed at the base of Pompey’s statue, lifeless.

The Aftermath: Rome in Chaos

Rather than restoring the Republic as the assassins had hoped, Caesar’s murder plunged Rome into further turmoil. Public sentiment turned against the conspirators, forcing them to flee. Mark Antony, Caesar’s loyal ally, roused the Roman people in a powerful funeral speech (again dramatized by Shakespeare), inciting anger against the Senate.

Caesar’s death sparked the Liberators’ Civil War, fought between the forces of Brutus and Cassius against those of Antony and Octavian, Caesar’s adopted heir. The conflict ultimately led to the rise of the Roman Empire, with Octavian (later Augustus) becoming Rome’s first emperor. Ironically, the Republic the conspirators sought to preserve was lost forever.

A Festival Turned Infamous

Before it became the day of Caesar’s assassination, the Ides of March was known for its religious celebrations, particularly the Anna Perenna Festival. Anna Perenna was a goddess associated with the cycle of the year, and her festival originally marked the conclusion of the New Year celebrations (as March was once the first month of the Roman calendar).

The festival was a lively affair, filled with drinking, games, and revelry. It was a day when social norms were relaxed—much like other Roman carnivals—allowing for a temporary subversion of class and gender roles. Some historians suggest that the conspirators may have chosen the date deliberately, knowing that much of the populace would be occupied with the festivities or attending gladiator games.

Legacy of the Ides of March

The Ides of March has since become a symbol of betrayal, a reminder of the perils of unchecked power and political ambition. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar ensured that the date would live on in popular imagination, reinforcing its ominous association with treachery.

In modern times, the phrase “Beware the Ides of March” has taken on a broader meaning, often used as a warning of impending misfortune. But beyond its literary and cultural significance, the events of March 15th, 44 BCE, remain one of the defining moments of ancient history—one that reshaped Rome and the course of Western civilisation.

From a festival of merriment to a day of political assassination, the Ides of March evolved into a cautionary tale of fate, power, and ambition. Over two millennia later, its story continues to captivate, reminding us that history often turns on moments of hubris and the knives concealed in plain sight.


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