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Frostbit Boy Ruairí McSorley: Where Is He Now?

Though the viral 'frostbit guy' is now a 26-year-old bloke, he was just a young whipper-snapper school boy when his interview for the local news went viral in 2015.

Since that interview Ruairí McSorley has led quite a life.

In recent years Ruairí has found himself adrift at sea surrounded by Dolphins and been busy dating 75yr-old American ladies.

In 2021 Ruairi had been staying at a caravan park near Inch beach in County Kerry when he decided to swim out to nearby Fenit Island. He was first reported missing at around 8am on Sunday after his clothes and shoes were found on a beach near Inch, Co Kerry by a walker.

Ruairí was found by the RNLI a whole 12 hours later at 8.15pm surrounded by a pod of dolphins.

It was reported that when he was rescued, Ruairí was dangerously hypothermic but he insisted that "the only thing that is stressing me out is everybody else is panicking about it".

"I just jumped in, and that was it.

"I saw Fenit lighthouse out in the water, and I said, right I’m going towards it. I wouldn’t have got in to start with if I didn’t know I was going to be grand," he explained.

He told the Irish Independent there was one moment during the ordeal that be was worried about his safety.

He said: "I saw these black tails in the water, and I wasn’t sure were they dolphins or sharks.

"I just thought to myself, maybe it wouldn’t have been the worst idea to have googled this before I jumped in, but they were just dolphins.

"They were just swimming around me. If anything, they may have helped me. It was definitely an experience."

Ruairí had also set his sights set on moving to the US to become an 'Irish auctioneer in Texas'

Fighting off frostbite, dodging dolphins and auctioneer dreams aside, Ruairi managed to find time for his love life too.

During an appearance on Shane Todd's Tea With Me podcast, Ruairí revealed that he had nearly made it down the aisle 'a couple of times' - but something sinister stopped him getting hitched to one of his older lady friends.

Comedian and host Shane decided to dig into the details of his latest romance and wanted the frostbit boy to paint a picture of his ex partner - so asked how old she was.

Ruairí replied: "I'm not a homosexual, I'm not a transexual. I was a seniorsexual for a while."

He went on to explain that his former flame was 75 years old and said they had got together at some point last year.

Shane was keen to find out what stopped them saying their 'I do's' at the altar - and it's safe to say no one was ready for Ruairí response.

He said: "Oh, she died then in the finish up. I'd everybody at home told about the wedding and everything."

In more recent developments, Ruairí has now announced plans to run to become the Irish Taoiseach.

He insists his plans to run for office and install Conor McGregor as his president are not a publicity stunt, and has laid out his plans for ‘a new Ireland’, inspired by the far right riots which enveloped Dublin last year.

Amongst his plans on how to tackle issues around immigration across the island of Ireland involve the issuing of temporary visas for two years to those who speak fluent English, have no criminal record and have a job lined up before arrival.

He says during the two years on the temporary visa, people would not be entitled to public welfare payments, have to learn to speak Irish, carry out ‘voluntary work’ on behalf of the president, or carry out a period of military service.

“What I had suggested was that Conor McGregor could potentially be a very good president given the revisions that I had detailed for the job of the president of Ireland,” Ruairi told Belfast Live.

“Given the reach that Conor has and his love for Ireland and that, I felt that he would be a great man to rally the troops and be able to inspire that generous donation of both service and time to social causes.

“He has inspired so many people to take up martial arts and chase their dreams, so my suggestion is that he could use those qualities in a reformed presidency role.

“I had initially thought he would be best placed to lead the Irish Defence Forces, but the idea of Taoiseach Ruairi and Uachtarain McGregor, I think, makes more sense.

“His ideas for Ireland seem to be very similar to mine, and I would love to sit down with him and discuss our visions of the future. I think we would work brilliantly together.

Now McSorley has reimagined the Irish constitution in his new book The Reign of King Ruairi.

As Ruairi approaches his 30s you can follow his journey into politics on his YouTube channel here and his Instagram here.

Whether people will agree with his politics or not, one thing is for certain, whatever he does next it won't be dull.



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