Victorian Christmas In Prison - 1872

Taken at Wandsworth Prison in London in December 1872, these photographs depict the individuals who were apprehended shortly before Christmas. Many of them were arrested for theft of food and clothing during the chilly holiday season.

The captivating images depict Thomas Mackett, aged 24, receiving a one-month hard labour sentence for stealing 9lbs of beef on Christmas Eve. Similarly, Julia Killey, aged 30, was sentenced to 21 days of labor for stealing 2lbs of bacon on the same day.
Another poignant case involves Henry Marsh, an 18-year-old who was given a six-week labor sentence for stealing a coat on December 23, 1872. Lastly, the unfortunate 17-year-old James Ealing was apprehended for stealing half a pint of milk and a tin can on Christmas Eve.

Other heart-breaking examples include 18-year-old Henry Marsh, sentenced to six weeks of gruelling work for stealing a coat on 23rd December 1872.
17-year-old James Ealing was arrested for thieving a half pint of milk and a tin can on Christmas Eve.
Meanwhile baby-faced John Sullivan, 17, clearly just wanted to stay warm over the winter when he was convicted for stealing a coat and lumps of coal on 16th December 1872.
The teenager was given one month's hard labour for his petty crime.
Other poignant shots show 22-year-old Mary Baxter who was incarcerated for robbing a tablecloth during the festive period.
Ellen Smith, 52, was locked up on Christmas Day after she was given ten days hard labour for stealing an umbrella on 17th December.

Meanwhile baby-faced John Sullivan, 17, clearly just wanted to stay warm over the winter when he was convicted for stealing a coat and lumps of coal on 16th December 1872.
The teenager was given one month's hard labour for his petty crime.
Other poignant shots show 22-year-old Mary Baxter who was incarcerated for robbing a tablecloth during the festive period.
Ellen Smith, 52, was locked up on Christmas Day after she was given ten days hard labour for stealing an umbrella on 17th December.

The crime seems understandable given that the December of 1872 was exceptionally wet – the wettest on record for England and Wales.
The Victorians were very worried about crime and, following the development of the camera, police realised they could use the new technology to their advantage and took images of repeat offenders.
As the use of cameras became more common taking mugshots became the norm until it was made compulsory for everyone to be photographed after they were arrested.
