1914-1918: The British West Indies Regiment in World War I: A Forgotten Chapter of Valour

Above: July 1917 - West Indian men serving in the British Navy, in the Fleet Auxillary.
Although Lord Kitchener objected to the idea of black men serving in the British armed forces, many black men still volunteered and were recruited during the First World War.
More than 120,000 Black African men were recruited from Britain's African colonies, such as Gambia, the Gold Coast, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Additionally, over 15,000 black men from the Caribbean volunteered to join the British Army. Initially integrated into regular units, a new regiment called the British West Indies Regiment (BWIR) was established specifically for them in 1915.
Caribbean volunteers had to cover their own expenses to travel to England. Due to unexpected course diversions via Canada, many suffered severe frostbite. Consequently, those affected were deemed unfit for service and had to return home without receiving any benefits or compensation.
All officers in the BWIR were white, and black soldiers were not allowed to attain a rank higher than Sergeant. While white soldiers engaged in combat, the BWIR primarily performed support tasks like loading ammunition, laying cables, and digging trenches. Moreover, most of them were unarmed during their deployment.
"Stripped to the waist and sweated chest, midday's reprieve brings much-needed rest;
From trenches deep toward the sky, non-fighting troops and yet we die."
- "Black Soldier's Lament", by an anonymous trooper
The BWIR played a significant part in the conflict, especially in battling the Turkish Army in Palestine and Jordan. Out of the Regiment's eleven battalions, the 1st and 2nd were primarily stationed in Palestine and Egypt; the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th were stationed in France and Flanders; the 5th served as reserves; the 8th and 9th were stationed in France and Flanders before moving to Italy; and the 10th and 11th were also stationed in France and Italy.

Above: 1917 - Egyptian Labour Corps and British West Indies Regiment building dug outs for the XXth Corps Headquarters on the cliffs near the shore of the Mediterranean near Deir el Belah. The old headquarters camp at Deir el Belah had been shelled from Gaza by a Naval gun and also bombed by aeroplanes on four successive nights.
"I have great pleasure in informing you of the gallant conduct of the machine-gun section of the 1st British West Indies Regiment during two successful raids on the Turkish trenches. All ranks behaved with great gallantry under heavy rifle and shell fire and contributed in no small measure to the success of the operations"
- Palestine Campaign General Allenby to the then Governor of Jamaica William Henry Manning
Following the conclusion of the War in November 1918, the BWIR was mainly stationed in and around the Southern Italian coastal town of Taranto. While white soldiers were being prepared for demobilization and received a pay increase, the BWIR soldiers were still required to work, including the construction of latrines for white soldiers. On December 6th, the 9th Battalion of the BWIR disobeyed orders and submitted a petition of grievances signed by 180 sergeants. Three days later, the 10th Battalion also refused to follow orders. Subsequently, 60 men were tried for mutiny and received sentences ranging from three to five years in prison. One soldier was imprisoned for twenty years, and another was executed.
Throughout the period from 1914 to 1918, the British West Indies Regiment was honoured with over eighty bravery medals.

Above: July 1917 - Men from Trinidad, Jamaica, and Barbados receive free refreshments at a buffet. A sign reads "Economy in Food - please do not take more than 1 sandwich"

Above: 1916 - British West Indian troops undergo physical training at Kingston, Jamaica

"Nothing we can do will alter the fact that the black man has begun to think and feel himself as good as the white."
- Secret British Colonial Service memo, 1919

Above: July 30th 1918 - A royal visit to Roehampton Hospital, specialising in the treatment of soldiers who have lost limbs. The King speaks to Private Davis, a West Indian soldier who has two artificial legs